Haas Horse Grooming Brushes | IVC Carriage

Haas Grooming Brushes

Haas Horse Grooming Brushes

HAAS has been producing horse care brushes in Donaueschingen in the Black Forest of Germany for over 100 years.

Selected materials, a lot of love and craftsmanship are in a HAAS grooming brush.  Modern production technology ensure the exemplary quality and the longevity of all HAAS products for the welfare of animals and satisfaction of owners.  Haas brushes are washable to ensure proper cleanliness of the horse and longevity of the brushes. 

These are not your average "farm store" brushes!  You can finally enjoy the grooming process AND actually remove the dirt, mud, and dust without just moving it around on the horse!

Need help knowing which ones are right for you?  See our article / guide!

37 products
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Haas Brush Package - Dark Horse/Sandy Soils
IVC Dark Horse / Sandy Soils Haas Brush Package
IVC Dark Horse / Sandy Soils Haas Brush Package

Haas Brush Package - Dark Horse/Sandy Soils

Haas Brush Package - Light Horse/Sandy Soils
IVC Light Horse / Sandy Soils Haas Brush Package
IVC Light Horse / Sandy Soils Haas Brush Package

Haas Brush Package - Light Horse/Sandy Soils

Haas Brush Package - Dark Horse/Heavy Soils
IVC Dark Horse / Heavy Soils Haas Brush Package
IVC Dark Horse / Heavy Soils Haas Brush Package

Haas Brush Package - Dark Horse/Heavy Soils

Haas Brush Package - Light Horse/Heavy Soils
IVC Light Horse / Heavy Soils Haas Brush Package
IVC Light Horse / Heavy Soils Haas Brush Package

Haas Brush Package - Light Horse/Heavy Soils

Haas Brush Package - for Mighty Mitts
Haas Brush Package - for Mighty Mitts
Haas Brush Package for Large Hands

Haas Brush Package - for Mighty Mitts

Haas Go4Gold Brush Set
Haas Go4Gold Brush Set
Haas Go For Gold Brush Set

Haas Go4Gold Brush Set

Haas Striegel Der Gute Curry
Haas Der Gute Horse Curry Brush
Haas Striegel Der Gute Curry Brush

Haas Striegel Der Gute Curry

Haas Striegel New Generation Curry
Haas Striegel New Generation Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Striegel New Generation Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Striegel New Generation Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Striegel New Generation Curry
Haas Striegel New Generation Curry
Haas Striegel New Generation Curry
Haas Striegel New Generation Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Striegel New Generation Curry

Haas Kinder Striegel Small Curry
Haas Child's Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Child's Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Child's Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Child's Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Child's Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Child's Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Child's Curry Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Kinder Striegel Small Curry

Haas Kombi Wash Brush
Haas Kombi Wash Brush
Haas Kombi Wash Brush
Haas Kombi Wash Brush
Haas Kombi Wash Brush
Haas Kombi Wash Brush

Haas Kombi Wash Brush

Haas Waschbürste Wash Brush
Haas Waschburste Horse Washing Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Waschbürste Wash Brush

Haas Schimmel Very Stiff Brush
Haas Schimmel Rice Root Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Schimmel Rice Root Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Schimmel Very Stiff Brush

Haas Koko Very Stiff Brush
Haas Koko Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Koko Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Koko Very Stiff Brush

Haas Mustang Shedding Brush
Haas Mustang Shedding Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Mustang Shedding Brush

Haas Mustang Shedding Brush

Haas Military Stiff Brush
Haas Military Stiff Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Military Stiff Brush

Haas Military Large Stiff Brush
Out of Stock
Haas Military Mens Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Military Large Stiff Brush

Haas Parcour Stiff Brush
Haas Parcour Stiff Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Parcour Stiff Brush

Haas Amazone Stiff Brush
Haas Amazone Horse Brush

Haas Amazone Stiff Brush

Haas Cavaliere Stiff Brush
Haas Cavaliere Horse Grooming Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Cavaliere Stiff Brush

Haas Kavallerie Large Stiff Brush
Out of Stock
Haas Kavallerie Large Stiff Brush

Haas Kavallerie Large Stiff Brush

Haas Capriole Everyday Brush
Haas Capriole Horse Grooming Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Capriole Everyday Brush

Haas Brenig Madoc Large Brush
Haas Brenig Madoc Brush

Haas Brenig Madoc Large Brush

Haas Country Medium Brush
Haas Country Medium Horse Brush

Haas Country Medium Brush

Haas Welsh Medium Brush
Haas Welsh Medium Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Welsh Medium Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Welsh Medium Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Welsh Medium Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Welsh Medium Brush

Haas Fellglanzbürste Soft Brush
Haas Felglanzburste Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Fellglanzbürste Soft Brush

Haas Schmusebürste Small Soft Brush
Haas Schmuseburste Face Brush

Haas Schmusebürste Small Soft Brush

Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Brush
Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Brush
Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Grundy's Finest Soft Brush

Haas Fellglanzbürste Noir Soft Brush
Haas Fellglanzbürste Noir Soft Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Fellglanzbürste Noir Soft Brush

Haas Fellglanzbürste Noir Soft Brush

Haas Diva Finishing Brush
Haas Diva Sheepskin Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Diva Finishing Brush

Haas Diva Mini Finishing Brush
Haas Diva Mini Horse Grooming Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Diva Mini Horse Grooming Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Diva Mini Finishing Brush

Haas Diva Micro Finishing Brush
Haas Micro Diva Horse Brush

Haas Diva Micro Finishing Brush

Haas Effect Stiff & Soft Brush
Haas Effect 2-in-1 Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Effect Stiff and Soft Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Effect Stiff & Soft Brush

Sale price
Regular price
Haas Fesselbürste Fetlock Brush
Haas Fesselburste Fetlock Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Fesselbürste Fetlock Brush

Haas Putzi Two-Sided Brush
Haas Putzi Two-Sided Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Putzi Two-Sided Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Putzi Two-Sided Horse Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Putzi Two-Sided Horse Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Putzi Two-Sided Brush

Haas Mane Comb
Haas Mane Comb
Haas Mane Comb
Haas Mane Comb
Haas Mane Comb
Haas Mane Comb
Haas Mane Comb
Haas Mane Comb

Haas Mane Comb

Haas Express Brush
Haas Express Brush | IVC Carriage
Haas Express Brush | IVC Carriage

Haas Express Brush
