Horse Harness Shaped Crown | IVC Carriage

IVC Elite Leather Shaped Crown

Give your horse more comfort at the ears with a shaped crown!

  • Made in the USA with USA-tanned leather (Leather Elite with extra stitching as shown is extra)
  • Brass or stainless blinker stay buckle
  • Standard on Elite Leather and Extra Endura Synthetic harnesses
  • Made to order by our harness maker

INDICATE MEASUREMENT from BELOW EAR, OVER CROWN, to BELOW OTHER EAR and WIDTH of BRIDLE CHEEK BUCKLES below.  We cannot place the order with the harness maker without measurements.

    Metal: Brass
    Crown Measurements Needed
    Please complete this required field.
    Width of INSIDE of bridle cheek piece buckles *
    Please complete this required field.

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