Flair Horse Nose Strips | IVC Carriage
Flair Horse Nose Strips | IVC Carriage
Flair Horse Nose Strips | IVC Carriage
Flair Horse Nose Strips | IVC Carriage
Flair Horse Nose Strips | IVC Carriage
Flair Horse Nose Strips | IVC Carriage

Flair Equine Nasal Strips

Flair® Equine Nasal Strips are self-adhesive strips that promote optimum respiratory health of equine athletes at all levels by reducing airway resistance and providing improved airflow when your horse needs oxygen most.

  • Spring-like action in FLAIR Strips supports soft tissues over nasal passages to reduce tissue collapse to make it easier to breathe in oxygen.
  • Horses don't tire as easily so they can work longer and harder.
  • Horses wearing FLAIR Strips have been shown to use 5-6% less energy during intensive exercise.
  • Supporting the nasal passages during recovery helps horses cool out more quickly.
  • One strip per package

Color: White

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