On the Box Seat Book by Tom Ryder | IVC Carriage

On the Box Seat

Tom Ryder.  Fifth Edition, Revised. 125 pages, softcover.

Classic comprehensive carriage driving manual, On The Box Seat, is a must-have for drivers at every stage of their driving education.

Chapters include:

Schooling the Horse to Harness
Single Harness, a Description of the Parts and their Uses
Driving in Single Harness
Double Harness
Four-in-Hand, with Notes on Unicorn, Six-in-Hand, and Five-in-Hand
Handling the Reins
Tandem Driving
The Whip and its Use
Correct Appointments
Livery and Uniforms
Distinctive National and other Styles of Driving
Sleighs and Sleighing
Some Faults of Harness Horses and Accessories Designed to Overcome Them
Driving Bits
The Storage and Care of Harness and Carriage
Driving Clubs and Driving Associations

Out of Stock

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